
The Kitchen Diaries

(book, Nigel Slater)

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The Kitchen Diaries, by the award-winning food writer Nigel Slater, is all about the right food, in the right place, at the right time. Slater spent a year recording what he ate, looking at what each month has to offer, and then making the most of it in a series of mouth-watering but easy-to-follow recipes.

Shopping according to season gives you higher quality (and cheaper) ingredients, and also helps support local producers and suppliers. Forget trawling round supermarkets and buy fresh goods from people who grow and sell it with a passion.

The Kitchen Diaries is about approaching food in a way that is both more ethical and more satisfying, and proves that even in a highly urban environment we can tune into the rhythms of nature without having to hug trees or gad about in parks with no clothes on.
Orecchiette with Ricotta, Fava Beans, and Mint
Lamb Chops with Oregano and Tzatziki
Peach and Blueberry Sour Cream Cobbler