Top | Newsletter 2011

Culinate Newsletter April 20 11

(mailing, James Berry)

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leadimageid: 306791

leadtext: !fmt/block |
 h1. Dear readers,

 In our household, Easter is about eggs — eggs and candy. This year, the Easter Bunny has stashed away a few cellophane bags of something called Sea Salt Savories, which look like tiny, dark, chocolatey eggs but of course hold the promise of saltiness. How many mornings til that big bunny delivers, again?

 But back to actual eggs. For all of us with egg surpluses this week, I've pulled together pairs of egg-centric recipes from the site, one basic and one more elaborate, in several different categories:

 For egg sandwiches, you can't beat Matthew Card's Fried Egg Sandwiches with Garlicky Swiss Chard and Cheddar, unless you want to take Deborah Madison's perfectly lovely minimalist approach. 

 For deviled eggs, there's Debbie Moose's grandmother's classic recipe. Shirley Corriher, meanwhile, gilds the lily (Easter cliché, sorry) with Deviled Eggs with Caviar.

 Baked eggs don't get much simpler than Jenn Louis' version with Castelvetrano olives, but you could go with Lynne Sampson Curry's Truffled Baked Eggs with Potatoes. 

 Finally, desserts. For desserts using egg whites you could make meringues (add chocolate if you wish). Or you could try Tom Douglas's Five-Spice Angel Food Cake — a light and airy cake with subtle spiciness and complexity. 
 And for desserts using egg yolks, make Marcella Hazan's Zabaglione — nothing more than eggs, sugar, and Marsala wine. David Lebovitz's Zabaglione Gelato delivers the same flavors, but in a chilly scoop, just right for a warm spring evening.

 Happy egg days, all.

 Kim Carlson
 Editorial Director

# The lead text
story1id: 328823
story1text: "Leah Koenig suggests eight things to eat for breakfast during Passover, when diets are restricted." 
story2id: 330711
story2text: "Matthew Amster-Burton investigates what you should look for when buying nori — and what to do with it once you've brought it home." 

recipe1id: 2135 
recipe1text: "For the person who makes lasagne the task is not difficult but it does take time. For the person who eats lasagne it always feels like a gift." 
recipe2id: 280643
recipe2text: "Here's a spin on classic egg salad, from Sarah Marx Feldner's book 'A Cook's Journey to Japan.'"

# The ad
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 <img src="" " width="120" height="600" alt="" border="0"/></a>
