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Michael Pollan updates

(post, Kim Carlson)

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I'm sure I don't have to tell you who Michael Pollan is, but just in case you're feeling fuzzy today, here's his Wikipedia entry. That's right; he's Michael J. Fox's brother-in-law. But he's also written a book or two about food. Anyway …

Today Michael (I call him Michael because we shared a hay bale for three minutes at Slow Food Nation last summer) emailed this note:

I'll be appearing on the NPR program "Wait, wait, don't tell me" tomorrow, Saturday. Also, there's a long interview upcoming in the March-April issue of Mother Jones, discussing the state of the food movement, post-election. I'll let you know when it's posted on the magazine's website.
All best,

Now even though I call him Michael, he doesn't know me from Ellen. (I've been told I look like her for years, but actually if I were Ellen, I probably could have held his attention for more than three minutes.)

Here's the thing: Michael send emails like this to thousands of people who sign up for it over on his website. Here's the link, in case you too want to follow Michael on the radio and elsewhere.