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How to Make Yogurt

(recipe, Robin Mather)


Yogurt is so simple to make that I can no longer justify buying it. I use some of the previous batch as a culture, but you'll either need to buy yogurt culture or a little container of plain unflavored yogurt to get started. Make sure it has living cultures. Note that goat's milk alone makes a very loose yogurt; you probably want to add some powdered milk to increase the milk solids, which will make it firmer. Many commercial yogurts use gelatins and other thickeners for an artificial texture. I love my electric yogurt maker because it has seven 7-ounce glass jars and it takes care of the constant 100-degree temperature the yogurt needs as it cultures. If you don't have one, I offer the method below that uses pint- or quart-size canning jars and the warmth of a turned-off oven. Flavor each serving as desired with fresh fruit, preserves, vanilla extract, or extra-strong brewed coffee, as you wish. Yogurt is also good instead of milk on granola and cereals.


  1. 8 cups cow's or goat's milk
  2. 1 cup powdered milk (optional; for goat's-milk yogurt only)
  3. 2 tsp. plain cultured yogurt


  1. Warm the milk to 115 degrees in a pot over low heat. Stir in the powdered milk, if using. Add the cultured yogurt and stir well. Pour the mixture into pint- or quart-size canning jars and set the jars into a roasting pan filled with 2 inches of hot water.
  2. Place the roasting pan in the oven with the light on if you have an electric range or in a gas oven with a pilot light. Do not disturb the yogurt while it cultures, 6 to 8 hours. The yogurt will be thickened when ready, but will thicken more when it chills.
  3. If you like thick Greek-style yogurt, as I do, pour the yogurt into a muslin-lined colander and let it drain for 30 to 60 minutes.


Yogurt will keep, covered, for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator.