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Coleslaw Potato Salad with Cumin Seeds

(recipe, Isa Chandra Moskowitz)


  1. 1 lb. red potatoes
  2. ½ cup Vegenaise mayonnaise
  3. 2 Tbsp. white vinegar
  4. 2 tsp. sugar
  5. 4 cups shredded cabbage (red or white)
  6. 1 carrot, shredded
  7. 1 Tbsp. cumin seeds, toasted (see Note)
  8. Fresh black pepper and salt, to taste


  1. Cook the potatoes: Cut the potatoes into ¾-inch cubes and simmer in water for 15 minutes. (The potatoes should maintain their shape after cooking.) Drain and refrigerate them while you prepare the dressing.
  2. Make the dressing: Mix together the mayonnaise, vinegar, and sugar in a large bowl.
  3. Assemble the salad: Add the shredded cabbage, carrot, and cumin seeds to the bowl and mix well. Gently fold the potatoes into the dressing-and-cabbage mixture. Add salt and pepper to taste, and refrigerate until ready to use. (This potato salad should stand in the refrigerator at least 15 minutes to allow the flavors of cumin to permeate the dressing.)


Toast cumin seeds in a dry skillet over medium heat, stirring often. After about 3 minutes, the seeds should be fragrant and a few shades darker. Remove from the heat immediately.