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Lemon Meringue

(recipe, Simone van den Berg)

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Who doesn't love a good Lemon Meringue pie!


  1. * 6 eggs
  2. * 100 gr butter
  3. * Juice of 4 lemons
  4. * Zest of 2 lemons
  5. * 170 gr sugar
  6. * 4 eggwhites
  7. * 110 gr fine sugar
  8. Ready made dough or use recipe for your own dough


  1. Mix the eggs, butter, sugar, lemonjuice and zest in a heatproof bowl.
  2. Place the bowl above a pan with softly boiling water, making sure the bowl does not touch the water (au bain marie).
  3. Keep stirring while the mixture heats up (roughly 10 minutes) It needs to become thick and creamy.
  4. Ad the filling to the bottom and put in the fridge for about 30 minutes.
  5. Beat the eggwhite in a clean and fatfree bowl till it forms soft peaks.
  6. Add the sugar spoon for spoon.
  7. The eggwhites are ready when all the sugar is dissolved and you have a shiny mass of eggwhite.
  8. Spoon the eggwhite on top of your lemon filling and bake in the oven for about 10 minutes until you have brown peaks.
  9. Remove and cool before eating.