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GMO debates

(article, Culinate staff)

Over at Grist, the ever-reliable Tom Philpott recently collected the best of the latest online debates about food reform, including Mark Bittman's New York Times op-ed demanding to know why GMO products aren't labeled for consumers, Doug Gurian-Sherman's Los Angeles Times op-ed calling for the same thing, James McWilliams's latest Atlantic attempt to buck the conventional agricultural wisdom, and Sam Fromartz's dismantling of McWilliams's pro-GMO arguments on his blog.

Philpott also analyzes Bryan Walsh's recent Time_ article about food reform and environmentalism, and sums up the disastrous efforts by Vinod Khosla to produce cellulosic biofuels. Oh, and Philpott's gotten himself embroiled in a debate over diet soda. Keep 'em coming, Tom.