Top | Newsletter 2010

Culinate Newsletter September 8 10

(mailing, James Berry)

[[invoke. page:newsletter1

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leadimageid: 236480

leadtext: !fmt/block |
 h1. Dear readers,
 The recent egg recall and ongoing salmonella scares have many people questioning industrial egg production and, perhaps, contemplating raising their own broods. But alas, keeping chickens is not for everyone. 

 We hadn't heard much from Caroline about [/mix/dinnerguest?author=1060 "her hens"] since early in 2009, and I, assuming that the birds were clucking along happily (and laying along too), didn't ask her about them. On the chicken front, once they get going, there's not a lot to talk about, right?

 But actually, as Caroline describes in the [/mix/dinnerguest/chickenslaughtering "final installment of her chicken saga"] this week, her chickens had ceased laying and had become more of a burden than Caroline and her husband wanted to manage. If you have a tendency to romanticize chicken-raising, I encourage you to read the account of why — and how — Caroline's birds went from layers to stewing hens in a few hours one Saturday morning recently. 

 We can't all be chicken farmers.

 Which is why many of us throw in our lot with those who are willing to take on the job. But can we be assured the eggs we buy — or any other foods for that matter — are safe to eat? Not entirely. 

 I hope you can tune in tomorrow for Kim O'Donnel's Table Talk chat, when she hosts food-safety litigator and activist [/articles/theculinateinterview/billmarler "Bill Marler."] Marler, who's made a career holding food-growers responsible for their wares, no doubt has something to say about backyard hens versus industrial birds, and the eggs they each lay.
 Kim Carlson
 Editorial Director

 P.S. I appreciate the beverage posts [/mix/dinnerguest?author=20142 "Jacob Grier"] has been writing for Culinate — and [/columns/swirl "Anu Karwa's"] occasional wine columns as well. If you too are a fan of drink coverage, the Culinate Kitchen has a collection of [/recipes/collections/Culinate+Kitchen/Beverages "beverage recipes"] that are worth checking out. And finally, consider signing up for Imbibe's newsletter,  '"Tasting This great drink magazine is a stellar resource, and the newsletter is full of interesting links.

# The lead text
story1id: 293700 
story1text: "Ellen Kanner chats with this celebrity vegan chef, who's cooked for Oprah and Ellen, among others."
story2id: 296982 
story2text: "Our health columnist highlights three new cookbooks that celebrate seasonal eating." 

recipe1id: 297796
recipe1text: 'From "The 30 Minute Vegan’s Taste of the East" comes this colorful, easy dish.'
recipe2id: 297835
recipe2text: "A crazy combination of ingredients adds up to unforgettable flavor in a dog. "

# The ad
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 <a target='_blank' href="">
 <img src="" " width="120" height="600" alt="" border="0"/></a>
