Top | Newsletter 2010

Culinate Newsletter April 21 10

(mailing, James Berry)

[[invoke. page:newsletter1

# These are some of the fields that may be used
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# leadimageid:
# leadtext:

# story1id:
# story1text:
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# recipe1id:
# recipe1text:
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leadimageid: 236480

leadtext: !fmt/block |
 h1. Dear readers,

 A few months ago, I mentioned a project that had all of us working late. Finally, it's done, and we can celebrate: The How to Cook Everything app is in the iTunes store.

 For more about the app, read the Our Table we posted Monday, which goes into a little more detail, as does this post by Matt Armendariz. And check out the Twitter-based contest we're holding, in which you could win a copy of the app for your iPhone or iPod Touch — and a chance to win an iPad.

 People have asked us why we choose How to Cook Everything as our first cookbook to convert to an app; honestly, could there have been a more complicated thing than converting a five-pound book with 2,000 recipes and recipe variations, not to mention untold numbers of reference sections, into a digital tool you can hold in the palm of your hand?

 One reason, which fits with Culinate's mission to help people eat well, is that we want to make it easier for folks to cook — and there's no better reference than this book. Mark Bittman said in an interview this week, "Listen, my real hope is that this app will attract hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of new people to cooking for themselves."
 We hope this is succeeding; so far, the results look good: the How to Cooking Everything app is currently the number one best selling app in the iTunes App Store Lifestyle section, and one of the top sellers overall.

 Kim Carlson
 Editorial Director

 P.S. Tune in tomorrow for a special Earth Day chat with Kim O'Donnel.

# The lead text
story1id: 275248 
story1text: "Leda Meredith suggests eight ways a busy person can eat local foods, affordably."
story2id: 275374 
story2text: "When her friend stood in the middle of the U-pick field refusing to touch a strawberry, Ellen Kanner's patience ran thin." 

recipe1id: 178801
recipe1text: "Millet adds a pleasing crunch to these 'amazing' cookies."
recipe2id: 184627
recipe2text: "Deeply flavorful, Ellen Jackson's chicken awakens taste buds."

# The ad
vad: |
 <a target='blank' href="">
 <img src="" " width="120" height="600" alt="" border="0"/></a>
