Top | Newsletter 2010

Culinate Newsletter January 06 10

(mailing, James Berry)

[[invoke. page:newsletter1

# These are some of the fields that may be used
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# leadimageid:
# leadtext:

# story1id:
# story1text:
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leadimageid: 236480

leadtext: !fmt/block |
 h1. Dear readers,

 It's a little early to reveal much about what some of us have been up to around here, but I can say that it's food-related and that we've been happily engrossed. (And yes, we'll announce it before long, so stay tuned.)

 But while we're thinking about and talking about food all day, we sometimes don't have much time actually to cook. (I know, I know. Join the crowd, right?) If it were summer, that would be one thing; we could simply forage. But winter food takes a little more work — and advance planning. 

 I'm building up to a pressure cooker —  Lorna Sass's [/books/collections/allbooks/cookingunderpressure?utmsource=NL20100106&utmmedium=email&utmcontent=CookingUnderPressure&utmcampaign=ANewYear "Cooking Under Pressure"] has nearly convinced me I need one.

 But in the meantime, I'm revisiting many of the recipes in our [/recipes/collections/weeknightmeals?utmsource=NL20100106&utmmedium=email&utmcontent=WeeknightMeals&utmcampaign=ANewYear "Weeknight Meals"] collection. While I might occasionally order takeout, it helps me to remember that good, home-cooked food can be fast, and what's more, that stopping to cook can be a good way to ground an otherwise preoccupied life — mine.
 Kim Carlson
 Editorial Director

# The lead text
story1id: 251838
story1text: "This vegetarian rancher believes sustainable farming should mimic nature — plants and animals together."
story2id: 257533 
story2text: "Kelly Myers favors this wide and shallow pot both at home and at the restaurant." 

recipe1id: 3437
recipe1text: "Here's a lighter, fresher-tasting enchilada than some others we've tried."
recipe2id: 259397
recipe2text: "For the new year: a poundcake-like loaf made with olive oil, that is redolent of citrus and almonds."

# The ad
vad: |
 <a target='blank' href="">
 <img src="" " width="120" height="600" alt="" border="0"/></a>
