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Cocoa Fudge Icing

(recipe, Maggie Restivo)

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This icing is a great chocolate icing that dries shiny and hard on the outside while staying moist underneath. It is great for icing a Boston Cream Pie or on top of my home-made eclair recipe!


  1. Granulated sugar 16oz
  2. Light corn syrup 5oz
  3. Water 4oz
  4. Salt 1 pinch
  5. Butter, softened 4oz
  6. Confectioners sugar 8oz
  7. Cocoa powder 3oz
  8. Vanilla extract ¼oz
  9. HOT water as needed


  1. Add the softened butter, confectioners sugar, and cocoa power to the bowl of a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment. Mix until evenly combined.
  2. Combine the granulated sugar, corn syrup, water and salt in a saucepan. Bring to a boil. Sugar may be stirred to dissolve however, I do not recommend stirring after the mixture begins to boil (this can create "sugar boogers" on the insides of the saucepan).
  3. Cook to 240*F
  4. Take extra care during this next step. The sugar is extremely hot and if not careful you could easily be burned.
  5. With the mixer running on low speed, slowly pour in the hot sugar. Try to stream the sugar in as close to the side of the mixing bowl as possible to avoid "sugar boogers" forming on the insides of the mixing bowl.
  6. Add the vanilla and continue mixing until the icing is smooth, creamy and spreadable.
  7. Variable: If necessary thing with a little hot water.
  8. I recommend working quickly when using this icing, the more it cools the less spreadable it becomes. If the icing begins to cool in the bowl it may be reheated in the microwave or over a double boiler.
  9. Icing may be reheated for future use.