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'Gourmet' goes on

(article, Culinate staff)

While the current (November) issue of Gourmet may be the venerable publication's last, the magazine's recipes are still available online at Epicurious. And a trio of food bloggers have started their own take on Gourmet's long recipe history, with a blog project titled Gourmet, unbound. 

The bloggy plan? To troll the archives, month by month, and cook up seasonal dishes from the magazine — then shoot and write about them, of course. Check out the blog's take on Gourmet's sage stuffing recipe if you're looking for a good Thanksgiving recipe, then consider entering the cooking fray yourself each month.

Finally, for a Thanksgiving farewell to Gourmet,_ read former staffer Marisa Robertson-Textor's lyrical goodbye to the publication that taught her about much more than food.