Top | Newsletter 2009

Culinate Newsletter October 28 09

(mailing, James Berry)

[[invoke. page:newsletter1

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# leadimageid:
# leadtext:

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leadimageid: 236480

leadtext: !fmt/block |
 h1. Dear readers,
 My colleague Caroline Cummins [/user/Caroline/blog/tonguetied?utmsource=NL20091028&utmmedium=email&utmcontent=Tonguetied&utmcampaign=Trysomethingnew "tackled a beef tongue last weekend"] — uh, cooking one, that is. I admired her initiative and pluck and wondered if I'd have the fortitude to do the same if I too were presented with such an organ. 

 I'm kind of hoping it doesn't come up.

 But I did cook quince this week, which was new to me. My neighbor gave me three of the lovely fruits from her tree, with instructions to pare away not just the core but also the "woody parts" — which, I discovered, takes no small effort. (If you've cooked with quince, you know that they're mighty hard fruits.) The result, though, was an apple-quince sauce that smelled faintly of roses and tasted like a song. 

 I took some to a friend who was under the weather, and she ate it atop vanilla ice cream with a sprinkle of chopped almonds (which, come to think of it, might be just what I need at lunch time).

 So here's to cooking with an ingredient you've never cooked with before. Like say, grapes. If you eat grapes by the handful but have never cooked with them, maybe it's time to try [/recipes/collections/Culinate+Kitchen/Breakfast/Sunken+Grape+Cake?utmsource=NL20091028&utmmedium=email&utmcontent=SunkenGrapeCake&utmcampaign=Trysomethingnew "Sunken Grape Cake"]. 

 Or maybe persimmons? Soon it will be time for [/recipes/collections/Culinate+Kitchen/Desserts/Persimmon+Pudding?utmsource=NL20091028&utmmedium=email&utmcontent=PersimmonPudding&utmcampaign=Trysomethingnew "Persimmon Pudding"]. And what about [/columns/bacon/smallfish?utmsource=NL20091028&utmmedium=email&utmcontent=Smallfish&utmcampaign=Trysomethingnew "Matthew Amster-Burton's beloved smelt"] — next on my to-try list.

 Kim Carlson
 Editorial Director

# The lead text
story1id: 247720
story1text: "Matthew Amster-Burton teaches you how to sear restaurant-perfect fish."
story2id: 248595
story2text: "Puzzled by parchment? Mad for baking mats? Hank Sawtelle explains both."

recipe1id: 248419
recipe1text: "Jim Dixon pairs beef with farro — the perfect dinner for a lazy Sunday."
recipe2id: 181841
recipe2text: "We love these cookies, which combine the best flavors of the season."

# The ad
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 <a target='blank' href="">
 <img src="" " width="120" height="600" alt="" border="0"/></a>
