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Corn-free for a week

(article, Culinate staff)

Over at Serious Eats, writer Carey Jones is doing a corn challenge, [/mix/dinner_guest/Take+the+corn-free+challenge "à la Curt Ellis."] Carey went without corn for a week — even popcorn! — mostly by avoiding processed food. But in the end, it turns out that's not enough:

bq. As the week went on, a realization sunk in. Though I was eating no corn, my eating habits were still largely corn-based. That milk I was drinking? Definitely came from corn-eating cows. The chickens in my sausage chowed on corn-based feed, and their egg-laying sisters were fed with corn as well. And that contributed to our society's massive overproduction just as surely as corn syrup.

So next week, Carey is going without corn-fed animal products too. Check back next week to find out just how hard that was. Or how easy.