Top | Newsletter 2009

Culinate Newsletter July 1 09

(mailing, James Berry)

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 h1. Dear readers,

 In my childhood, my family set aside the summer's bounty for winter feasting. Whether it was smoked salmon (which, by the way, freezes beautifully), canned cinnamon-applesauce, corn cut from the cob and frozen, or polished jars of amber honey, we put food up.  

 As an adult, I never reached the level of preserving that my grandparents and parents achieved. But every year there are a few things I do; and every year I'm doing a bit more. 

 Here are three ideas for easy preserving: Make [/books/collections/allbooks/Essentials+of+Classic+Italian+Cooking/pesto?utmsource=NL20090701&utmmedium=email&utmcontent=Pesto&utmcampaign=SummersBounty pesto] from bunches of fresh basil and freeze it in little jars; find an empty large deli jar and fill it with [/recipes/collections/Contributors/lizcrain/marysspicygarlicdills?utmsource=NL20090701&utmmedium=email&utmcontent=SpicyGarlicDills&utmcampaign=SummersBounty "Mary’s Spicy Garlic Dills"], which will stay crunchy in your fridge for six months; and freeze blueberries in plastic containers (freeze them first in single layers on cookies sheets to prevent them from sticking together). 

 If you're more ambitious, you can [/mix/dinnerguest/jamminwithsummerfruit?utmsource=NL20090701&utmmedium=email&utmcontent=Jammin&utmcampaign=SummersBounty "make jam"] or freeze [/recipes/collections/Culinate+Kitchen/Basics/Summer+Tomato+Sauce+with+Roasted+Vegetables?utmsource=NL20090701&utmmedium=email&utmcontent=SummerTomatoSauce&utmcampaign=SummersBounty "Summer Tomato Sauce with Roasted Vegetables"]. Or buy a food dryer and [/articles/firstperson/campingcooking?utmsource=NL20090701&utmmedium=email&utmcontent=CampingCooking&utmcampaign=SummersBounty "learn to use it."]

 I know many of you are up to your elbows in the kitchen these days, putting food by. Please [/user/Kim/blog/july1newsletterpreservingfood?utmsource=NL20090701&utmmedium=email&utmcontent=KimsBlog&utmcampaign=SummersBounty "tell us"] what you're preserving right now.

 Kim Carlson
 Editorial Director

 P.S. Rob Smart is [/articles/opinion/profoodis?utmsource=NL20090701&utmmedium=email&utmcontent=ProFood&utmcampaign=SummersBounty '"Pro Food."'] Are you?

# The lead text
story1id: 230951
story1text: "Matthew Amster-Burton is revving up the blender. Find out how he's improved his milkshake technique."
story2id: 232207
story2text: "Don't be intimidated by puff pastry. Here's an easy, elegant dessert that looks as if it came from the pastry shop."

recipe1id: 32092
recipe1text: "If you have sour cherries, use them in this crisp. A few raspberries work fit in nicely as well."
recipe2id: 221154
recipe2text: "A roasted red-pepper relish and mint pesto dress up this twist on classic Fourth of July fare."

# The ad
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