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Food, incorporated

(article, Culinate staff)

Robert Kenner's documentary film '"Food, is the latest food-industry exposé, playing now at a theater near you. Kenner recently spoke with the Boston Globe about his work, and delivered some pretty devastating sound bites:

bq. I feel like we’re part of an exploding movement. There are so many things coming to a head. On the one hand, there’s the financial crisis. People are realizing there was a credit Ponzi scheme, and we’re all paying the price. The government didn’t regulate it. The parallels with the food world are pretty identical. There’s a food Ponzi scheme going on. The system is totally unsustainable. It’s based on gasoline, based on pollution. Twenty to 25 percent of our carbon footprint is from growing and transporting food.

For a longer interview, read AlterNet's Q&A with Kenner. And for a recent list of other great food documentaries, check out the roundup from Fair Food Fight.