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Table Talk: June 4

(article, Kim O'Donnel)

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This week on Table Talk: Anything went! Enjoy the week's transcript, below. 


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 </div><div class="cilblogholder"><div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">9:36 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Ahoy! We'll go live in 23 minutes. Please come back at the top of the hour for   an anything-goes cooking hour. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:00 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Good morning from Seattle, where it's downright summery! The next hour is whatever you want it to be -- a virtual all-you-can buffet of q & a.   I've got a cold-brew coffee by my side and am ready for whatever your fancy strikes. Bring it on! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:01 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;From yesterday's mid-week farm market shop: strawberries, green garlic, sunflower sprouts (a new fave), spicy mixed greens...and I shoulda got me some of those sugar-snap peas... </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:03 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Linear Girl ]<br>I want to make panna cotta for my guy who has never had it.  The recipes I've found have been all over the map.  What is traditional?  I assume really good ricotta is a necessity, but I've seen recipes that use gelatin and cream, no cheese at all.  Do you have any recommendations? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:05 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;LInear, I recently was handed a bunch of dessert recipes -- most of which were variations on panna cotta -- and I must say not one included ricotta! Cream, yes, and gelatin. I've never made myself. Let's ask around... </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:05 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From JonClark ]<br>hmm...Cherries are going like crazy here, everywhere I walk I see rows of cherry trees lining streets, and I see them in the yards, and they have taken over the market. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:05 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Jon, cherries are one of my all-time favorites. What a wonderful problem to have! Are you fixing any desserts or just eating out of hand? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:06 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Laurel-guy ]<br>Weather report from "back home".  We have had very summery weather for the last couple of days (80's and sunny), but a big storm last night cooled things down.  It's back in the 60's.  And unfortunately, we've had so much rain lately we're saturated and under a flood-watch from the storms coming along today.  Happy Thursday! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:07 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Oh wow, Laurel Guy. sounds like we've weather in reverse -- it's really warm here for this time of year -- but without the proverbial humidity. What have you seen at the market lately? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:07 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From JonClark ]<br>panna is Italian for cream, it's a gelled, cold cream. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:08 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From JonClark ]<br>no desserts yet, but I turned 2 kilos into jam, it turned out really well, but a little too thick, I've thought about making fruit leather, and I've eaten a ton of them! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:09 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Fantastic, Jon. Are you interested in cobbler? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:10 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From JonClark ]<br>oooh, yeah, that sounds great. do you have any tips for horrible small ovens? I don't have a proper skillet to make a grunt... </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:11 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;<a href="" target="blank" >Cherry Cobbler</a>, with a cream biscuit topping. It's my husband's fave. Tell me more about the horrible small oven...<br /><br /> </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:11 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Laurel-guy ]<br>My latest "market discovery" is that our local Safeway has started to regularly carry ground Bison!  Since the wife and I try to keep our fat intake down, and we don't mind an extra buck or two, we've been using this instead of beef.  Of course, when I have to time, I still buy beef, trim the fat myself and throw it through the KitchenAid meat grinder. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:12 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Interesting, Laurel-guy. Are they labeling where the bison is coming from? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:13 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From JonClark ]<br>hmm, actually the oven is good, it's accurate, but my battery is very small and limited. the size of the oven can only fit a quarter sheet. maybe i can use a small cake pan i have. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:15 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;that's okay. you can still do a cobbler in a small dish. BUT, maybe you're a candidate for a grunt/slump, which is done stove top. You can do either in a saucepan, topping gets steamed... </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:15 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Tad C. ]<br>Hey Kim, didn't you do an interview on your blog about green cooking and using toaster ovens, etc.  Perhaps they should look at that.  I learned so much from it.  Hello from MM in DHS! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:17 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Hey Tad! Nice to hear from you (Tad works at a fab spa/motel in Desert Hot Springs, Calif.). Yes, indeedy did a q/a with Kate Heyhoe, who writes all about reducing one's "cookprint" which is an idea worth chewing on. What tastes good in the desert these days? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:17 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Jess ]<br>This has been one of my favorite cherry recipes: <a href="" target="blank" ></a> </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:18 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;thanks jess! upside down cakes with fresh fruit can put you in a stupor. They're sublime. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:18 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From JonClark ]<br>oh, i love the look of that.  What would you think about using sour cherries? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:19 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Yes, to sour cherries on that cobbler -- you may need to adjust sugar amount accordingly...I'm a big fan of adding some caramelized ginger to fruit cobblers after being inspired by Cory Schreiber, whose got a new book out, "Rustic Desserts." </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:19 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Jess ]<br>I prefer tart/sour so I think it'd be great.  You can always increase the sugar a bit or use a little honey drizzle with the cherries. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:20 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Also a big fan of adding a wee bit of almond extract to cherries -- the combo is dreamy...oh. one other thing -- a little flour or cornstarch goes a long way in helping to control cherry juices... </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:21 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Laurel-guy ]<br>No, I didn't notice any location on the packaging, but I'll check closer this weekend when shopping.  I know that a friend used to get his bison from a farm up near Frederick, MD.  So I know that there is locally grown bison. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:21 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Actually, Cibola Farms in Virginia raises bison -- and sells at various farm markets in DC area. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:21 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Jess ]<br>It doesn't use a ton of cherries but just tastes wonderful, presents beautifully, and it always turns out perfectly </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:21 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Jess ]<br>I'll have to look into his dessert book.  I have the Wildwood one and it's one of my favorite "nice" restaurants. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:22 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;I've been using Schreiber's book a lot since receiving -- loaded with great year-round ideas. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:22 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Linear Girl ]<br>I think sour cherries would be great.  I make a cranberry upside down cake in fall/winter and the sour flavor is a nice contrast. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:23 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Oh yes! And i've done an upside down cranberry cake, with fresh crans, pumpkin cake batter -- and I agree, tart contrast is really nice. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:23 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Tad C. ]<br>I finally went and had THE date shake.  Wow.  Super sugar overload.  But Amazingly delicious.  Recommended!  They were having a raw food retreat at MM when I arrived this time so I had some beautiful raw lasagna made with yellow squash (as Lasagna noodles) Nut cheese and tomato puree and the most delicious walnut crumble on top.  Who knew raw could be so delicious?!? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:25 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;I would love to come back and do a date shake tour -- would love to see how others do it!   Tad, how did you find the nut "cheese'? Been thinking lots how summer gives us such a gift w/ so many foods in their natural state. Working on an idea for my column... </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:25 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From catsluvr ]<br>Hi Kim, just wanted to shout out a "thank you" for turning me onto the Whole Foods brand of the pink shrimp.  They were delicious and much better than the ones I was buying at Giant. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:27 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Hey Catsluvr! I had some of those shrimp last night, in fact.   I'd much rather spend my money on shrimp caught in this country. I too like the flavor. I stirfried mine with pineapple, chiles and garlic,a little fish sauce, soy sauce, then pour over mixed greens, side of rice. Great din. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:27 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Jess ]<br>That lasagna sounds amazing. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:28 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Tad, do you think you can get recipe from chef? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:28 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Jess ]<br>Rustic is my favorite kind of dessert and what I stick to in the summer with the abundance of fresh fruit.  Book is on order and now on hold for me. :) </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:28 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;I think rustic is my favorite kind of dessert too. I am going to try making a choclate cake this weekend on the grill! Campfire style. Will let you all know how it goes. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:29 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Syd ]<br>Hi. I have a question about tofu. I've recently discovered how wonderful it can be after years of fastidiously  avoiding it. I've actually craved it a couple times. But, I'm confused about freezing it to get it firmer. Is is supposed to be frozen before or after draining? Also, is there a way to buy it that doesn't involve so much plastic packaging? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:31 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Hey Syd, thanks for joining.   Freezing really does change the texture, and to capitalize on that, you want to cook while still frozen. So drain, then freeze, then use. <br />It's hard to find, but there are local folks making artisanal tofu. Anyone with leads on that front? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:31 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From JonClark ]<br>I can't wait to get my hands on that book! The summer here is full of peaches, plums, apricots, berries, etc. I've really found baking here a challenge though, so I want to overcome that obstacle. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:31 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Jon, don't forget to grill some of those peaches! Makes heavenly ending to a meal, or throw'em together with some arugula. Yowza. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:32 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Tad C. ]<br>I didn't find it.  It was made as part of the workshop by Rod Rotondi of Leaf Cusine (<a href="" target="blank" ></a>) who was leading the retreat.  It was utterly divine, and you are talking to a person that LOVES the real cheese.  This lasagna was, as my dear friend Nefertiti says, "off the CHAIN!" </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:32 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;If you happen to get your hands on it, I will test recipe and share in my blog! Lemme know. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:32 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Linear Girl ]<br>I have halibut cheeks available at my local fish market right now.  Do you have a favorite way to prepare them? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:33 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Linear, I just had a plate of halibut cheeks last week on Oregon Coast! A little wine, a chopped onion, some herbs, sorta pan sear, then quickie braise...over your favorite grain, some of your favorite summer veg, and you'll be in bizness. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:34 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Jess ]<br>We have numerous local tofu makers here in Portland where you can buy directly from their store with less packaging and variety of styles. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:34 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Jess ]<br>I've never frozen it but now bake it on a silpat at high temps to draw moisture out.  It gets crispy without falling apart like when stir frying.  My favorite way to make it now! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:34 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Tad C. ]<br>re: Tofu, I have a chef friend that likes to put a plate or sheet pan on top of a bunch of firm tofu to get all the moisture out of it, prior to either marinating it, grilling it or sauteing (sp?) it.  I personally used to use it (irony, since I was just talking about it) as a replacement for cottage or ricotta cheese in lasagna and pasta.  Just crumbling it and adding spices.  YUM. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:34 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Laurel-guy ]<br>So, latest great recipe--Sizzling Sausage and Shrimp.  My wife was watching Cultivating Life with Sean Conway and caught this idea...but no recipe was on-line so I made it up as I went.  Sauteed about 8 sliced garlic cloves with about 1 TBSP chopped Italian cherry peppers in olive oil.  Added about a lb of sliced chorizo (was looking for andouille, but they were out, so I subbed chorizo).  Added about a lb of large deveined and shelled shrimp and sauteed about 3 minutes.  Then added chopped parsley and white wine and then put the skillet into the oven for about 15-20 minutes until the sausage and shrimp were cooked.  Served with a whole wheat rice, but it would also be good with a crusty Italian or French bread since the "sauce" is wonderful.  We thought this was a definite keeper. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:35 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Nice guy, Laurel-guy. don't you love it when the kitchen fairies show up when you least expect it? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:35 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From catsluvr ]<br>I was always careful to get the shrimp from Giant that were from Florida but the ones from WF look and taste so much better. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:36 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Tad C. ]<br>I actually just found amazing peaches at the Palm Desert farmers market this week.  I will try grilling them and throw them in with the arugula!! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:36 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Yay! You're in for a treat. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:37 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;This week, I am going to experiment making my own tempeh "bacon." I know you can buy it, but thought it'd be fun to see how it turns out DYI style. Will let you all know. I'm a big fan of tempeh, so game to play with it. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:39 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;So is anyone going to see Food Inc.? Or Fresh? Or Pressure Cooker? All new food docs now in the theater. I'm trying to get more info, too, on End of the Line, about the state of our seas... </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:39 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Linear Girl ]<br>Thanks for the panna cotta insight.  I'd read that panna cotta translates to cooked cream, but I think since the first way I had it included ricotta I assumed that it was "normal."  That they all use gelatin still surprises me, but I'll get over it.  I really thought that the cheese/cream mixture just set, like a custard. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:40 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;I am not a fan of gelatin either. Have you ever worked with agar agar as a sub? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:41 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Syd ]<br>Thanks so much for the tofu tips everyone. I've heard it's not so hard to make from scratch which will be my next great adventure. I have been kind of annoyed with the draining issues though. Lots of instructions to wrap it in paper towels (a lot of waste) or rig up an elaborate system of angled pressing and draining. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:41 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Hey Syd, no need to use papertowels to drain. Place on a plate, cover with another plate, then weigh down with a heavy can. That'll do it. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:42 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Syd ]<br>I was also wondering if there are any great ideas for veg dishes using lots of green garlic which I can hardly get enough of but am at a loss for new ideas to use it. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:42 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim C.</strong>: &nbsp;Hi all. Food Inc (finally) opens in Portland in a couple of weeks at Cinema 21. There are details to a Slow Food Fundraiser here: </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:44 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;<a href="" target="blank" >Summer of Food Docs</a>, with trailers. Plus my take on <a href="" target="blank" >Pressure Cooker</a> </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:44 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Linear Girl ]<br>How about grilling green garlic with other veg, like asparagus and onion then serve as a side or on a salad?  I've not tried this, it just sounds good to me . . . </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:45 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Jess ]<br>Re: tofu If you bake it you don't really need to drain it since the moisture gets pulled out from the high heat. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:45 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Linear Girl ]<br>No, I've not tried agar agar - thanks for the tip.  I think I'll experiment with that. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:45 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Jess ]<br>Thanks Kim C! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:45 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Paul C ]<br>Our neighbor moved and the house is vacant. There is rhubarb growing in the yard. It is a type that never turns red. How do you know when to harvest it? It is forming flowers on top now in MI. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:46 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Wow, Paul, I've never seen rhubarb that never turns red. Interesting. Anyone else? Here's a recipe for savory <a href="" target="blank" >rhubarb chutney</a> </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:47 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Syd ]<br>I found if I slice firm tofu in strips about a quarter inch thick and then fry till crispy in a bit of oil (I like peanut oil) then finish with a bath of soy sauce (at high heat) it tastes similar to bacon only better and not greasy. I've been making the best Bahn Mi sandwiches with it (and some chili-garlic sauce with watercress and carrot matchsticks). I wish I'd found the joys of tofu so much sooner. Next step is tempeh. And, yes! I can hardly wait to see the movies "Food Inc." and also "The Garden" about the community garden in Los Angeles that was taken away from the people. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:48 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Thanks for reminder about The Garden, Syd. Also -- I want to know more about these veggie Bahn Mi! Your recipe could be featured in my column one of these days... </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:49 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From GirlScoutMom ]<br>I have green rhubarb. I pick it when it looks big enough. I've heard you shouldn't let it flower--may change the taste. So I twist the flowers off. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:49 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Linear Girl ]<br>We get white rhubarb at farmers' market, but I've never harvested it.  It's the same size and density as the red, though.  Good flavor, but not as pretty as the red. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:49 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;I know, part of the appeal of the rhube for me is its color. Love staring at it. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:49 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Laurel-guy ]<br>For pressing tofu.  If you buy some of the nylon replacement screening for windows, you can put a strip of this on a baking rack and then put the tofu on that and a plate and weight on top to squeeze out moisture.  The reason that I don't recommend just a plate on the bottom is that tofu is very spongelike and while squeezing out moisture, it may absorb some of it back if it sits in the water.  I have found getting it away from the moisture helps keep it drier. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:50 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Interesting tips, laurel-guy. Thanks! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:50 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Jess ]<br>Syd, that tofu sounds great.  I've never had luck frying tofu, though.  It seems to always stick or fall apart/crumble.  What's the secret?  Maybe I don't use enough oil? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:52 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Hey, who's joining me on the <a href="" target="blank" >Eating Down Fridge Challenge</a>? June 20-26. It's gonna be a hootenanny.   E-mail me (kim.odonnel AT <a href="" target="blank" ></a>)   if yer innerested. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:54 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;I did a beer-can chicken for first time last weekend. Any one ever try?<br /> </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:54 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;It was a kick in the pants. Chicken was pretty swell, too. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:55 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Linear Girl ]<br>My college roommate still cooks every chicken on a beer can, 25 years later.  It's pretty good stuff. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:56 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From GirlScoutMom ]<br>We love beer-can chicken! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:56 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Can be kinda messy when it's time to take off grill, so I recommend you have a partner. But man, that was some flavorful, down to the bone bird. We'll be repeating. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:57 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Syd ]<br>I'm not sure about the secret to frying tofu. Maybe just dumb luck and not having a clue. There is a good bit of oil at the start and it has to be hot. I start on "high" heat and then just let it brown before turning. I also use small pieces maybe 1 inch by 2 inches. By the time it's brown on both sides most of the oil is gone and the soy sauce sizzles like mad when I throw it in and gets sucked up nearly instantly but I do turn the tofu again. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:59 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Jess ]<br>Thanks Syd!  Guess I should give it another shot.  Although now that I discovered the crispyness that I achieve from baking, I'm not sure.  But I love the idea of adding the soy at the very end for the flavoring, so.... </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">11:00 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Thanks for stopping by, y'all. Great to connect with old friends and meet some new ones. You come back now, ok?   Do you twitter? You can find me <a href="" target="blank" >here</a> and my column with the Washington Post <a href="" target="blank" >here</a>. Next week -- we'll take on farm market finds or what's in that CSA box. Til then! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">11:01 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Syd ]<br>Oh yes, the veggie Bahn Mi are so good. I mixed some garlic chili sauce with some vegan mayo, and soy sauce and that provides the base, I put the carrots on next so they stand between any soggy the sauce might give, then the fried tofu pieces topped by watercress (I don't like cilantro and spinach is too much somehow) and these days also a lot of green garlic and spring onions. I sent the sandwiches with my daughter to lunch on and after her friends gave her a lot of grief over it being meat-free they then were really jealous. </td></tr></table></div>
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