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Table Talk: May 28

(article, Kim O'Donnel)

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This week on Table Talk: Kim O'Donnel's monthly conversation on meatless dining.

A full recap of this week's chat can be found below:


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 </div><div class="cilblogholder"><div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">9:44 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Good morning from the Oregon coast! We'll get things underway in 15 minutes. Please join us at the top of the hour for a meatless conversation. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:01 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;hello, hello! Are you ready to talk meatless cooking, eating and shopping?   </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:05 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;I've just come off a week of watching the latest in food documetaries -- Food Inc, Fresh & Pressure Cooker.   Will soon have in hand another -- Meat the Truth. Both Fresh and Food Inc take a close look at the state of our food system.   Powerful footage, much to chew on. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:13 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Catsluvr ]<br>Hey Kim, where are you? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:13 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;I'm here! Been waiting for y'all to show up!<br /> </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:14 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Barley &amp; Pesto ]<br>I have a recipe for a side dish of barley with pesto, sun dried tomatoes and goat cheese. what would make for a good main dish to accompany that? fish? chicken burgers? thoughts? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:14 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Catsluvr ]<br>I don't know about everyone else but I had a problem signing on and it still reads 10:13 even though I am on EST here in DC </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:16 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Barley & Pesto, Actually I"m thinking pan-fried tempeh would be killer with this lovely sounding side! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:16 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Karen ]<br>given that it's a veggie chat, I would think you could add some white beans or something to that barley dish, making it a complete meal in and of itself! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:16 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Carrie Oliver ]<br>Do you think any of these movies will have an impact along lines of Inconvenient Truth (i.e. it will change people's behavior)? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:16 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Mark Douglas</strong>: &nbsp;Hi everyone... please be patient today... it looks like Cover It Live is having some kind of server issue across all chats.   It seems to have been keeping people from logging in.   Looks to be fixed now, but...<br />   </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:17 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Barley &amp; Pesto ]<br>do you have a recipe for this pan fried tempheh? i've never made it before </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:17 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Yes, hang on, getting it for you, B& P! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:19 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Carrie, really good question. I just did a round up this week:<br /><a href="" target="blank" >The Summer of Food Docs</a><br />I like the uplifting feeling of FRESH, which features folks/orgs seeking an alternative to the industrial system. However, FOOD INC is seriously well researched, like investigative journo, makes you wanna do something. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:21 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;<a href="" target="blank" >Hooray for Tempeh</a> -- is a start -- check out steps for the panfrying, before adding to pasta, etc, which is a great winter dish. I pan fry tempeh all the time using this method. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:21 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Barley &amp; Pesto ]<br>yay thanks! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:22 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Question to ask you all -- how many of you are vegetarians? Vegans? And if neither, do you take a break from meat during the week on a regular basis? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:23 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Guest ]<br>I think it might be helpful that there are several movies now about the food industry. Back when Fast Food Nation came out, it seemed like only progressive people read it, and the main stream didn't trust it. With so many movies, I'm hoping the main stream folks start to notice. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:23 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Good point. There's yet 2 other films -- Food Fight, which may get some major play later this summer -- and MEAT THE TRUTH, directed by a Dutch politician. I'm getting my hands on that in the next week or so. Will report back. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:24 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Carrie Oliver ]<br>Kim, this may sound naive, but does Meatless Monday mean no fish, too? I consider fish meat but saw fish boards/processors are funding Meatless Mondays. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:25 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Personally, I think meatless monday should be fish-less, too. I say this not because I'm a zealot, but to show just how easy it is to do, that it's not an insurmountable dietary stretch. I allow eggs and cheese. But really, going meatless once/week is going to mean diff. things to diff. people and if you can find a way to make it stick, then do what works! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:25 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Barley &amp; Pesto ]<br>i try cook a vegetarian meal at least once to twice a week -- it's great! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:26 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Laurel-guy ]<br>For the barley & pesto, I'm thinking something like a garlic eggplant like this would go.  The eggplant does have basil in it to complement the basil in the pesto. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:26 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Julie ]<br>I don't consider myself vegan or vegetarian, but I tend to buy the products and cook without meat </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:26 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Heather ]<br>I'm not vegetarian but I frequently go meat-less because I can find other meals that are just as filling, and moreover, cheaper.  It's expensive to buy the type of meat I feel most comfortable consuming. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:26 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Laurel-guy ]<br><a href="" target="blank" ></a> </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:27 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Thanks, Laurel-guy -- that's for B&P seeking ideas to go with the barley. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:27 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Amy ]<br>I got some spring turnips at the farmer's market this week, which were great sliced on a salad.  Any thoughts on cooking the greens? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:28 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Amy, you can braise in a skillet with shallots, white wine and cook til tender, covered. I like a lil' heat with my greens, too! You'll love'em this way. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:28 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Carrie Oliver ]<br>I eat meat (I advocate for well-raised options) but am seeking alternatives as the pork and chicken in my area not good. Trying to expand w/ beans. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:30 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Carrie, feel free to post link to your Web site! <br />Dietary diversity is really important in my book. Imagine how interesting life would be if we ate beans & legumes 2x week, meat 1x/week, fish 1x and a mix of any or all the other day. We'd be taking care of bodies and the planet by simply rotating the menu. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:31 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Amy ]<br>I'm an omnivore, but I rarely cook meat these days, mostly I eat meat when I go out. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:31 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Barley &amp; Pesto ]<br>the tempeh recipe looks great, but i also like the idea of eggplant. with the tempeh, i have a follow up question...would the soy/vinegar/mustard marinade go well with the pesto? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:32 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;B&P, you can also just use a little soy (for salt) and squeeze a little citrus at end,...but in your case, I like the idea of mixing it with the eggplant as well. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:32 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Linear Girl ]<br>I'm not vegetarian but eat vegetarian meals about half the time; sometimes the meals are vegan, but rarely.  I just really like variety in my diet so every option is on the table, so to speak.  My biggest downfall in completely vegetarian meals are "hidden" animal products like fish sauce. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:33 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Linear Girl, interesting thoughts about "downfall" to include fish sauce in your diet...wouldn't that be part/parcel of the variety you mention? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:34 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Jen ]<br>Kim - long time D.C. lurker - so glad to have followed you over here...  :-)  Technically my question is meatless - Mocktails. We're hosting my stepdaughter and her friends for pre-prom pictures this Saturday, and I wanted to do something fun for them - any ideas from you, or others? Thanks! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:35 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Barley &amp; Pesto ]<br>Carrie: what about trying ground turkey? It's a great alternative in bolognese sauce, burgers, lasagne, tacos, and more! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:36 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Hey Jen! Thanks for stopping by at the new digs. Meatless Mocktails -- that's a new one. OOH. What about blueberry lemonade?   Or a take on gazpacho? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:36 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Linear Girl ]<br>Not a downfall to my diet, just to defing a meal as vegetarian if I use it  I figure it's not completely vegetarian because the fish had to die in order to make the fish sauce, unlike eggs and milk where the producing animal keeps chugging along.   Of course, I could go the Monty Python route of claiming it's vegetarian if I only use really small fish . . . </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:37 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Laurel-guy ]<br>Agree with Linear I am not vegetarian myself, when I cook for vegetarians, I have to remind myself to keep an eye out for things like subbing veggie stock for chicken stock, not using fish sauce, oyster sauce or Hoisin sauce.  Fortunately, Lee Kum Kee makes a wonderful mushroom based stir fry sauce that is an excellent replacement for either Oyster or Hoisin sauces. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:37 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Catsluvr ]<br>Oh Oh a movie called meat.  I already eat meatless several times a week and sometimes for the whole week but I am thinking after seeing this movie I might want to be a vegetarian. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:38 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Catsluvr, tell us name of movie again , please! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:39 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Jen ]<br>I like the blueberry lemonade idea! Anything fizzy, maybe, or red? (School colors are silver and red) - sorry this isn't about "real" cooking - but you're my best and fave source for everything! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:40 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Jen, I've also done <a href="" target="blank" >raspberry lemonade</a>, which is just gorgeous. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:40 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Linear Girl ]<br>Barley and Pesto - I, too, would go with plain white beans served with olive oil, garlic and parsley and a big green salad.  Keeps to the vegetarian theme, give complete protein, and it's making me hungry. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:42 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;On the fish sauce note -- fish sauce is an ancient condiment/seasoning from Thailand and Vietnam. It is one of the main sources of protein in the cookery of these countries. Everything has a context. I would say, do what feels right for you within context of your life. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:42 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Laurel-guy ]<br>You can get plastic "silver plated" cups at party stores.  Fill with your favorite red drinks.  I like the idea of virgin strawberry daiquiris or virgin planter's punch, etc.  Decorate with sliced fruits and umbrellas, etc. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:42 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Barley &amp; Pesto ]<br>Linear Girl - thanks! i have a can of northern white beans in my cabinet so this might work out very well. but with all the possibilities, we may be eating barley, pesto and a new addition for a week! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:43 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Hey do you guys know about my Eating Down the Fridge challenge? Next one is scheduled for June 20-26. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:43 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Guest ]<br>I have some lavender-like leaves in my garden (I really don't know what it is, but it tastes good) that I use to make tea. I like it hot, but not chilled. May be there's something I can add to make an interesting ice tea from it? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:43 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Jen ]<br>Kim and Laurel-Guy - both great ideas! Thanks </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:44 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Mango smoothies also a fun one... </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:44 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Mark Douglas</strong>: &nbsp;<p>Don't forget Rhubarb season is upon us too, here is a favorite around our house <a href="" target="blank" >Rhubarb Soda</a>. <img title="Tongue out" src="" border="0" alt="Tongue out" /></p> </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:44 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Oh yes! Excellent idea -- thanks Mark! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:45 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Ballard Radish ]<br>Looking forward to the next "Eating Down The Fridge" challenge; I missed the last one, but I've been trying to practice it more often. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:46 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Any one who's interested in being included on the EDF Honor Roll should e-mail me (writingfood AT <a href="" target="blank" ></a>) and I'll get you on the list. Also, if you'd like to throw your hat into the ring as a guest blogger, let me know that, too. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:46 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Jen ]<br>I love rhubarb - very fun ideas - I knew I came to the right place. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:47 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Wait -- whos' the Ballard Radish? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:47 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Linear Girl ]<br>To belabor the fish sauce point - I use it regularly as many of my favorite salad's come from a Mai Pham Vietnamese cookbook and I love it.  It's as Laurel-Guy says, I often think of those dishes as vegetarian and I have to remember that they aren't if I'm serving them to somone committed to vegetarianism.  That said, vive la fish sauce!  So stinky but so good! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:47 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Great points, Linear Girl. What you do within the context of your daily life may be very diff. than what another does/ practices. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:48 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Ballard Radish ]<br>I'm not anyone, really, Radish was a nickname from when I was a kid, and Ballard is where I live! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:48 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Welcome Radish! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:49 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;By the way, a few new meatless books out -- Vegan Brunch by Isa Chandra Moskowitze (have not tried it yet, hope to soon) and Eating Well's latest title -- not meatless but tons of meatless recipes. I made the spinach soup, which was outta sight. Will be sharing in my WP column this coming Monday. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:50 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Laurel-guy ]<br>So, I've found a vegetarian alternative to Oyster and Hoisin sauces, but has anyone found a substitute for fish sauce?  I don't use it often, but I can't imagine some of the Thai recipes that I've made without it.  Just checking.  When I cook for parties, I always try to make sure that there is at least one vegetarian option. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:51 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Laurel, I have not seen a veggie version of fish sauce. Anyone out there? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:51 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Ballard Radish ]<br>Thanks for the welcome! I actually wanted to say that i hope you've gotten some seafood at Mo's, and maybe were able to visit either the Rogue Brewery or the (unrelated) Rogue Creamery. But I don't know what part of OR you're in. Love the coast, and wine country, and the Gorge...all of it. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:52 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Radish, I'm in Arch Cape, in between Cannon Beach and Manzanita. I had some fine nibblin' yesterday in Astoria at Columbian Cafe. I'm loving the natural beauty, can't say enuf. Thanks for your tips! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:53 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Guest ]<br>Hi Kim!  Reading "Skinny B!%&#" right now, and really enjoying it - the authors are vegans and suggest a vegan lifestyle for various reasons.  I'm currently veggie, but not vegan, and I do eat fish.  How feasible do you really think it is to give up butter, eggs, and cheese?  I'm having a hard time imagining dessert, sautees, PIZZA, and many more of my core "happy" foods...... </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:53 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Linear Girl ]<br>In Deborah Madison's Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone she gives a recipe to make a veg substitute.  I haven't ever tried it, but it's a resource you could check out. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:54 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Amy ]<br>I always thought Hoisin sauce was vegetarian. What's in it that makes it not ok for vegetarians? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:56 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Barbara ]<br>As a sub for fish sauce I've used Ponzu, the citrus soy sauce. Adding some nori flakes can give that briny taste. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:56 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Amy ]<br>I've never been able to find vegetarian fish sauce in a store, but there's this recipe which is ok but comes out much darker and thicker than fish sauce; </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:58 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Mark Douglas</strong>: &nbsp;Here is a selection of Deborah's recipes that might be a good start, <a href="" target="blank" >from her columns</a>, and<a href="" target="blank" > her recipe collection</a> on Culinate. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:59 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;I can easily give up butter. No problem.   I've learned to bake with Earth Balance non-dairy spread and use it when I can.   Doing away with eggs is of less interest to me, partic. since I'm buying locally laid eggs and I love the Omega-3 bennies as well as some very important amino acids, and choline. Cheese for me is discretionary -- I prob eat too much of it, but could reduce intake if the doc says to lay off for cholesterol. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:59 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Linear Girl ]<br>It's not feasible at all to give up butter and cheese if you live in Wisconsin (and on that note, June is Dairy Month). </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">10:59 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From LisaMary ]<br>Anybody have any suggestions on oils local to Oregon?  We're a butter for cooking family(and not to scare the Vegs out there but lard for pie crusts)  I can source butter locally and hazelnut oil but need other alternatives. Thanks </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">11:00 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Laurel-guy ]<br>Hoisin literally translates to Seafood or "from the sea" in Chinese.  Interesting.  When I was growing up, I recall that there were supposed to be seafood distillate flavorings, but from my quick Google search now, it seems that Hoisin no longer has seafood.  Wikipedia thinks it is vegetarian.  See, I'm glad I came today as I learned something new myself about something I thought I knew a lot about. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">11:00 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Guest ]<br>I love Earth Balance, too. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">11:01 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From redweather ]<br>HAHA Linear Girl - I don't live in WI but I should b/c I LOVE cheese!  Kim, where can I get eggs that are organic and cruelty free, close to Alexandria?  Is there a farmer's market you recommend? </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">11:01 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Redweather,   hit the farmer's market!   Del Ray for starters, then on up to Columbia Pike. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">11:02 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Barbara ]<br>I eat eggs but sometimes feel weird about them...they're so definitely not vegetable... </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">11:02 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Catsluvr ]<br>I made the best curried chick peas that were even better frozen and had a week later - yum </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">11:02 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Amy, for some reason, I can't publish your comment about fish sauce! very sorry. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">11:03 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Barley &amp; Pesto ]<br>Red Weather: the washington post has a great map to find your local farmers market: <a href="" target="blank" ></a> </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">11:03 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Linear Girl ]<br>Redweather - I don't live there,  either, but my guy was raised on a dairy farm in WI and every June I hear about Dairy Month and Butter Fest! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">11:03 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Amy]<br>Vietnamese vegetarian fish sauce (nuoc mam an chay) (The Food Substitutions Bible by David Joachim)

Combine 1/4 cup soy and 1 teaspoon rice vinegar in a small bowl. Press 3 tablespoons fermented black beans through a small sieve or garlic press into the bowl. Add 1 tablespoon yellow miso and stir to mix well. Let the mixture sit for 15 mins or so, then strain through a small sieve. That would make 1/3 cup. </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilviewertextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">11:05 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilviewertext">[Comment From Laurel-guy ]<br>For various reasons, I am not parcipating directly in the EDF challenge (as in not shopping), but during the challenge, I intend to go partway.  My goal is to purchase things that I need to use up things in the pantry, fridge and freezer.  Last time I managed to use up about 2 shelves of things from the freezer and a good handful of things that were in the pantry and needed to be used up.  So, I'm there with you in spirit! </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">11:06 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;From Amy: <span>
<div id="vc22317450" class="audiencemsg" style="padding-top: 2px;"><span class="commentmsgtext">Vietnamese vegetarian fish sauce (nuoc mam an chay) (The Food Substitutions Bibl<a id="guestChatHideLink22317450" style="margin-left: 5px; display: none;" onclick="javascript:launchchat(22317450);return false;" href="index.php?option=comaltcaster&task=playaltcast&altcastcode=66088955b3#" target="blank" target="blank" >[...]</a><span id="guestChatHideText22317450" style="display: inline;">e by David Joachim) Combine 1/4 cup soy and 1 teaspoon rice vinegar in a small bowl. Press 3 tablespoons fermented black beans through a small sieve or garlic press into the bowl. Add 1 tablespoon yellow miso and stir to mix well. Let the mixture sit for 15 mins or so, then strain through a small sieve. That would make 1/3 cup.</span> </span></div>
<div id="vc22317503" class="audiencemsg" style="background: #ccccff none repeat scroll 0% 0%; padding-top: 2px;"><span class="commentmsgname"><br /></span></div>
</span> </td></tr></table></div>
<div class="cilchatmsg" ><table><tr valign="top"><td class="cilmsgtime cilhosttextcolor" nowrap style="width: 45px;">11:07 </td><td class="cilmsgtext cilhosttext"><strong>Kim ODonnel</strong>: &nbsp;Time to go! Sorry bout the tech glitch, but very glad we could connect for most of the hour. Come back next week, same time, same channel.   <a href="" target="blank" >A Mighty Appetite</a> is where you can find me on the other days. All best. </td></tr></table></div>
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