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The Dandy Hamdelion Pizza with Lapsang Souchong Caramelized Red Onions

(recipe, Quinn Losselyong)

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  1. Store bought pizza dough (we use New Seasons)
  2. Pizza Sauce- we used homemade, but Eden makes a good one
  3. Fresh mozzarella
  4. Fontina
  5. Parmesan
  6. 6 slices of ham (we used nieman ranch, sliced thin)
  7. ¾ of red onion sliced thin
  8. 5 tsp. balsamic vinegar
  9. 3 tsp. of tea seed oil
  10. 1 tsp. freshly ground lapsang souchong
  11. dandelion greens
  12. lemon zest from ½ lemon
  13. salt and pepper


  1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F (don’t forget to put your ceramic pizza stone in if you have one); roll out your pizza dough; add onions to saute pan with a splash of tea seed oil and saute over medium heat until they become soft and limber; add the lapsang souchong and cook a bit longer; now add 3 tsp of balsamic vinegar and cook for 5 minutes; take out pizza stone and put dough on it; spread the sauce on and top your pizza with fresh mozzarella, shredded fontina, ham, smokey balsamic onions, some more fontina and parmesan (obviously you can be as liberal with the cheese as you please, it’s your pizza); looks good right; now place that extremely attractive pizza in the oven for roughly 12 minutes (stay close and keep an eye on it, every oven is different); while the pizza is cooking, chop up the dandelion greens and dress them it a pretty little pink dress, oh wait, no don’t do that. Dress them with 2 tsp balsamic vinegar, 2 tsp of tea seed oil, pinch of salt and pepper and the zest of a ½ lemon; let sit; remove pizza when done and top with dandelion greens; slice and serve.