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Second Helpings of Roast Chicken

(book, Simon Hopkinson)

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h4. From the publisher

In this follow-up to the smash sensation Roast Chicken and Other Stories, Simon Hopkinson re-creates his winning formula by taking 47 completely new favorite ingredients — from apples to cocoa, lobster to truffles, and fennel to mint — and presenting an exotic array of tastes and ingredients from all over the world. 

His recipes, which have in common the love of good food prepared to please rather than simply impress, are drawn not only from classic French and British cooking but also from around the globe, from Austria to Thailand and India to Spain.

The recipes in Hopkinson's latest include Yorkshire Pudding with Sweet White Sauce and Golden Syrup, Piedmontese Potato Gnocchi with Parmesan Cream, Thai Pork Rissoles with Sweet and Sour Dipping Sauce, Creamed Scampi with Saffron Pilaf, and a new spin on his classic Roast Chicken recipe. 

Second Helpings of Roast Chicken is sure to please anyone seeking new and inspiring recipes in addition to more of Hopkinson's classic musings on food, which his fans have grown to adore.